From time to time I’ll get an email or a message on reddit
asking the question, “why don’t I write an ebook?” Well the first thing that comes to my mind is
why the hell would anyone buy an ebook from a dude with as little education and
experience as me? So I responded to the questions with that reason.
However, this week it was pointed out to me that my
rationale doesn’t make a lot of sense. With more and more people having success
after following my method it seems obvious that I would compile all of my
thoughts and publish them in a nice, handy, convenient little ebook- or hell, a
physical copy even. At least something a bit more substantial than what is
currently available. After all I’m already responding to emails and messages
every day.
Maybe then the number of people seeing success with my
method would grow! Maybe then I could stand to make some good money off of it.
But still, I found myself against the idea.
So I thought of more reasons and the biggest one that struck
me was this:
Most training books I read are filled with hyper-masculine overtones
that essentially boil down to- Train Like a Man.
I think that is the biggest reason why I, at this time,
refuse to put out a “real” strength-training book of some sort. This could
certainly be my personal selection bias, but there are a small handful of
training manuals out there that aren’t at least sprinkled a little bit with
this nonsense. And the worst of them seem to build their entire reputation upon
how “manly” they are; which then clearly makes their training practices better.
Because after all, they’re manly!
At best this sort of tripe is used as page filler to
artificially lengthen the material. (Second only to maybe page after page of
spreadsheets.) At worst it’s used as the foundation on which the training ideas
are based because “that is how a man trains.”
What the hell does that even mean?
What does being a “real” man have to do with lifting
weights? Nothing. Ardent supporters of this Macho Man Randy Savage authorship
style are quick to exclaim, “Lifting weights toughens you up!” “It takes
discipline to get under the iron every day!” Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
Please. Get over yourselves. Lifting weights is easy. You go
into a gym, move around a little bit, maybe get sweaty, and leave the place
feeling more in love with yourself than you did before you entered. Maybe from time to time you’ll sustain an
injury and then you can’t train. Then you become a little saddie cause all your
gains are lost.
What makes the dedication of consistently lifting weights
more masculine than the dedication it takes to get better at playing piano? The
latter is certainly very difficult to master. Progress is much slower. Unlike
lifting there’s no special equipment, supplement, or drug you can buy to take
you from playing Greensleeves to Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2. And what, because
the guy has soft hands and an ear for Liszt means he’s somehow less of a man
than the guy in the squat rack?
The guy who lives and dies by his pre, intra, and post
workout drinks? The guy who spends his time looking at half naked pictures of
men in muscle rags? The guy who spends hours reading about how to better
contract his deltoids? The guy who lifts to get stronger to impress other guys?
The guy who lifts to get bigger to further impress other guys?
That guy is somehow manlier than one who doesn’t lift?
Why? Because his hobby requires a more physical effort and
therefore his discipline means more? This idea that lifting weights makes men,
men, is pretty fucking ridiculous.
I know I’ve built a huge straw man here. Yes, it is absolutely possible to be both a
great pianist and a great lifter. But that’s not the same kind of person who
spouts this machismo garbage. And the kinds of guys who believe that nonsense
are the same kinds of guys who buy training ebooks.
The ones who are not so discreetly securing their manliness
in the size of their traps and biceps are the ones who are buying up materials
on how to make those safeguards to their masculinity bigger and stronger.
Those who are not do not purchase training manuals. Why?
Because like I said, lifting weights is stupidly easy. And with anything that
easy it is pretty hard to justify the purchase of a manual on how to do it.
That’s exactly what I want to avoid should I ever publish an
actual training manual of sorts. It adds no value to the material. It puts off
potential customers. But by not adding in these chauvinist overtones I’ll be
putting off even more customers. So really, it’s a lose/lose scenario.
Either I put all my ideas into an ebook, make a meager sum,
then 80% of the buyer’s torrent it (thanks, assholes) or I fill it with dick
swinging feel-goods and make a pile of cash.
Then I’m phony as hell. No thanks.
Honestly, that’s not the kind of message I want associated with the GZCL Method. And really, I’m feeling pretty good about helping others for free. I’m sure I’ll reap the benefits in time.
Grok lift rock. Grok man now.
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